Australian people come from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds – 270 ancestries to give some idea. Canberra Celebrant Susanna Jose shares what we can do to promote and model cultural diversity...
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It is very easy to get overwhelmed during your wedding planning, so the first thing you need to decide is are you having a wedding or are you gettng married? Celebrant Melanie Lawson from Oberon, NSW explains why your wedding isn't a competition.
Are you having a wedding or a ...
Meaning of marriage
Lovely reminder of the essence...
If you are planning a wedding in Australia you have probably given a beach wedding at least a passing thought. Celebrant Sonia Collins from Batemans Bay, NSW gives us a few things to consider to make sure your day is amazing....
We've all got a dream of what our ceremony is going to look like. We've all searched through Pinterest and Etsy and magazines saving the pictures that will best fit our theme. But, the more ideas you come up with - the more the budget is blown out! What if I told you that there was a way to have your cake and eat it too? Check out these thrifty ways that you can have the ceremony of your dreams and still be able to afford the Uber ride home...
We kiss people every day, and we generally know what's appropriate for each situation... but you know, the first kiss after the celebrant declares you married? The one with everyone watching as you lip lock in public with the cameras and videos working overtime. Yes, that kiss. That's not an everyday kiss that you will automatically know what to do. Today we're looking at what type of kiss is appropriate...

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Image source: Pixabay

Photo credit: Shell Brown
Image source: Pixabay
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Image source: Pixabay
Sure - this might be far fetched, but people can get cranky in the heat! Image source:
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And if you do have a guest suffer from heat stroke - here are some handy hints
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An indoor-outdoor venue
Spring certainly makes you think of flowers, new life and sunshine after the cold wintery months. However, while a day full of glorious spring sunshine would be great, keep in mind that the weather is still a little unpredictable, so take this into consideration when you are choosing your venue.
Book early!
Go seasonal
Be prepared
Be kind to your bridesmaids
Spring Gifts
Contact one of our TCN Celebrants and start sharing your spring wedding ideas!
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What to do with those books gathering dust on your bookshelf?
Here is a fabulous, low-cost, easy and fun craft activity, which you can make yourself to decorate your ceremonial space.
A unique decorative idea for a wedding ceremony or any special occasion.
These lanterns are made entirely from old books and were made by my daughters at our local library school holiday lantern making workshop this week.
Why not gather your bridal party together and make many?
All you need is a book and some ribbon!! The older and more ragged the book with yellowing pages the better as the final product gives a fabulous vintage look to your lantern. Feel free to email me for the instructions at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Posted by Robbie Fincham Civil Celebrant, Melbourne
ASK A CELEBRANT BLOG: What does the ceremony do for a wedding?
Your wedding ceremony sets the tone for the rest of your wedding day and creates memories for you, your family and friends for years ahead
Getting married is about making one of the most important legal, emotional, social, economic and practical commitments you will ever make in your life.
It is a day too, that will never be able to be repeated.
This is a delightful personal story about the value of family and community in ceremonies and an example of the sorts of stories our couples and families could write about their wedding and other ceremony preparations.
This weeks featured celebrant is Pat Slee now in Brisbane, recently moved from Fraser Coast QLD.
I encountered my first wedding when I was 19 a little while before I was to head off for National Service. I found it a strange mix of traditions and mutterings and took it all in.The next one was my own, after I came back from Nashos and got my head back together, (well 95% anyway.)
What a tangled mess of religious hypocrisy that was. A confused Agnostic marrying a non-active Catholic in a Methodist Church because the Catholics and the Church of England’s would not have either of us… and my fiancee’ wasn’t even pregnant at the time!
How many of us like to be kept waiting? I've never met anyone who did.
It has become fashionable lately to state on wedding invitations a start time, which is actually considerably different to the actual start time. On the face of it, it sounds like a good idea; after all, we don't all have good time-keeping skills and if guests have arrived in advance of the ceremony time then they won't miss the ceremony, or will they? Perhaps they were intending to miss the ceremony anyway and just turn up at the reception?
This weeks featured celebrant is Daphne Cole from Canberra ACT.
I am a Canberra mother of three, married for over 30 years. I love helping couples create a personalised service to celebrate their special wedding day.
I perform weddings, reaffirmation of vows and baby naming ceremonies in locations in and around Canberra and the NSW South Coast. I plan to continue my passion well into the future, operating from the beautiful coastal town of Tomakin.
I enjoy travelling to nearby towns to do ceremonies and think that Canberra and nearby NSW surrounds have some of the most beautiful formal and informal venues to celebrate special occasions.
I love visiting the chapels, gardens, lakes, beaches and home backyards and helping people choose the ceremony that is right for them and their situation.
Most couples marrying in Australia exchange rings during their wedding ceremony. Another lovely sub-ceremony to include, as a leadup to this time honoured tradition, which is gaining popularity these days, is the Ring Warming Ceremony. The "warming of the rings" which it's also called is a lovely way to also involve wedding guests. So what happens during a ring warming?
From Rebecca Skinner
The Celebrants Network Incorporated Blog Coordinator
Celebrants & Celebrations Network Australia Celebrant Member
Hand tying or handfasting adds a lovely new dimension to a wedding ceremony. But what coloured ribbons should you choose?
All colours have their significance. For instance red is the colour of passion, strength and fertility; orange represents attraction and kindness while yellow is linked to confidence and joy.
Green, often used by financial institutions, represents prosperity along with health while blue, the colour of the ocean, stands for tranquility, devotion and sincerity.
Purple represents power, white- purity and peace and black, strength and success.
Pink is the colour of romance, brown is very grounding while gold is linked to energy, wealth (of course!) intelligence and longevity.
Silver on the other hand is the colour of creativity and inspiration.
So knowing all that, which colours would you choose? Maybe a mixture of them all...
Hand Fastibg
This weeks featured celebrant is Barry Blundell from Tumut, Riverina and Snowy Moutains Area.
After completing high school at Tumut NSW; I moved to Sydney where I commenced a long career with the Post Master General’s Department (later to become Telstra). I returned to my home town ten years later, as an employee of Telstra in a customer service representative role. I have become more familiar with my local area and nearby regions of New South Wales, Victoria and the Australian Capital Territory.
This weeks featured celebrant is Meg L'Estrange from Eltham Victoria.
I am Meg L'Estrange, a celebrant for all occasions, a former teacher and school counsellor, and a family woman with three adult sons.
While I was teaching I experienced the death of my mother. When my dad had died two years earlier, she was so distressed by the funeral he was given, which was totally inappropriate for him, that she said, 'Let no man of the cloth come near me when I die!'
Thank you
A great blog post.