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Can a 'surprise' ceremony backfire?

ASK A CELEBRANT BLOG:  We all love to see expressions of delight when we make a love gesture a surprise!  But what if this backfires?

People need to be psychologically prepared to be the focus of attention, even if it is for a short while, by knowing they are going to a party or an event. Elderly people may have even more difficulty being fully present to the occasion if they are not prepared.

So the TCNA does not recommend “total” surprises for anyone. And of course, under no circumstances can the bride or groom be surprised about their own wedding . . .


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  5163 Hits
5163 Hits

Benefits of adding a ceremony

The changes to society in the last 200 years in western culture have brought many benefits, but also many negatives

  • people are separated from family support and roots by employment needs and thus young and old alike are more isolated. Thus at higher risk of depression.
  • the wedding is too late for relationship education. Becoming an adult, leaving home, getting engaged are better times to promote those services
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3433 Hits

Brisbane Celebrant - Liane Kirwan

This weeks featured celebrant is Liane Kirwan from Brisbane QLD.

My name is Liane Kirwan and I am an Authorised Marriage Celebrant and Justice of the Peace (Qualified). I am also a Speech and Drama Teacher, and, being a bit of an actor, I thought Celebrancy would be right up my alley.

So, about 15 years ago, I enquired about becoming a Marriage Celebrant and used to make a phone call to Canberra every year or so to see if they were appointing more Celebrants. I was delighted to find out, after years of waiting, they were accepting more Marriage Celebrants, so I completed my training and was registered in September 2007.

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4222 Hits

Melbourne Celebrant - Jenni Bolton

This weeks featured celebrant is Jenni Bolton from Melbourne VIC.

My name is Jenni Bolton and I was registered as a Civil Celebrant in September 2005. Since then I have officiated at many weddings,  renewal of vows, namings and funerals.I am a secondary school teacher now working part-time to allow me time to look after my 4 grandchildren with another one on the way.I was attracted to training to become a celebrant because I love working with people to achieve a goal, and I suppose my background in education and theology gave me the confidence and the skills needed to successfully fulfill the role.

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4006 Hits

What music do You play?


What Music do You play?


Death of a loved one is a difficult and stressful time for families; there seems so much to arrange on top of the emotional turmoil of losing a loved one. 

A funeral is a time of loss but also a time to commemorate life and music can and does play a vital role within the service to expression feelings, to enunciate emotions, prompt memories and to offer messages of hope and eternal love.  For centuries music has formed a very important part of rituals and ceremonies and by using music in a meaningful manner can assist family and friends with the grieving and mourning process.


Once you have spoken to your Funeral Celebrant and developed the Order of Service, what poems, verses or prayers you have selected to achieve the mood you wish for then consider the music.  What music do you feel will reflect the life of your loved one, what will honour them and commemorate their life in a fitting way. 


The music chosen is a very personal choice; you may wish to play a song loved by the deceased person, or a song that will bring hope or offer inspiration to the mourners, a song that will lighten the mood and bring smiles to all.  Music can be a selected that will remind family and friends of time spent with the departed, or because they will evoke memories of happy times spent together or because the deceased just ‘loved that song.’ As I wrote earlier: a very personal choice. 


Funeral songs fall into mainly three categories – Hymns, classical or popular music.  The lyrics of a song can also help to remind us of a loved one, or describe the life of the deceased or the emotions being felt by all those present.  Listen to the lyrics, or read them and see if they express the emotions, feeling or mood that you want to achieve with the music. 


If you are having difficulties consult your Funeral Celebrant, they are experienced and they can help you with suggestions to make your Funeral service a ceremony that reflects the life of your loved one in the manner you want.


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5680 Hits

Why Ethical Wills Are Important

LIVING-WILLS-250From Rebecca Skinner
Celebrants & Celebrations Network Australia & TCN Inc Member

'Ethical Wills' are a Jewish tradition and the Hebrew Bible first described them 3,000 years ago (Genesis Ch.49).

Ethical Wills, which are not legal documents, can be either the life story of a person, the lessons they have learnt and wish to pass on or even their dreams and wishes for family members.

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4275 Hits

Perth Celebrant - Wayne Loughrey

wayne-loughrey-LThis weeks featured celebrant is Wayne Loughrey from Perth Western Australia.

For the last 40 years I have been involved in the Australian agricultural industry, firstly in NSW and Victoria finally settling down 26 years ago in WA with our family in Lesmurdie. My wife Rosemary and I have been married for 38 years this year and we have both travelled to various countries throughout the world and have now just about completed our list of places to travel. I am and have been involved in many community groups such as Rostrum, Apex, Local Bush Fire Brigade, Masonic Lodge, RSL, and previously a member of the management committee of the South of Perth Yacht Club.

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15190 Hits


From Roslyn McFarlane
Celebrants & Celebrations Network Australia Member
The Celebrants Network Inc Vice Chair

When you think of a wedding, one normally thinks of the Bride wearing a beautiful white dress, a stunning bridal party dressed in colour co-ordinated clothes, amazing flowers and a wonderful reception at a  fancy wedding venue.   Often the choice of words,  music and vows  will be very predictable.  But it does not have to be that way!

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5127 Hits

Sand ceremony at a wedding

Looking for something different to  include at your wedding?

What about a Sand Ceremony?

This is a lovely, unifying idea based on the idea of blending the bride and groom's families. Two containers of sand represent the single journeys the bride and groom were once on as well as their own families and friends.

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5919 Hits

Hand tying or handfasting. But what coloured ribbons should you choose?

From Rebecca Skinner

The Celebrants Network Incorporated Blog Coordinator
Celebrants & Celebrations Network Australia Celebrant Member

Hand tying or handfasting adds a lovely new dimension to a wedding ceremony. But what coloured ribbons should you choose?

All colours have their significance. For instance red is the colour of passion, strength and fertility; orange represents attraction and kindness while yellow is linked to confidence and joy.

Green, often used by financial institutions, represents prosperity along with health while blue, the colour of the ocean, stands for tranquility, devotion and sincerity.

Purple represents power, white- purity and peace and black, strength and success.

Pink is the colour of romance, brown is very grounding while gold is linked to energy, wealth (of course!) intelligence and longevity.

Silver on the other hand is the colour of creativity and inspiration.

So knowing all that, which colours would you choose? Maybe a mixture of them all...

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  23784 Hits
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Rona Goold

Hand Fastibg

I have done several Handfastings. The most recent was lovely as were the others. The Bride and Groom said their vows in conjunctio... Read More
Thursday, 11 April 2013 19:19
23784 Hits

Can a funeral be fun?

Subscribe to our ASK A CELEBRANT BLOG

Post by Meg L’Estrange
Celebrants & Celebrations Network Australia Member
Melbourne Victoria

Can a funeral be fun? 

You bet! 

For some families this is the best way to honour the person they have lost.

Bo:  Bo was a larger than life personality and stories of his antics abounded.

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  5030 Hits
Recent comment in this post
Andrina (Ann) Finke
It can be fun as long as you don't insult any of the parties and further more your fun really start with the eulogy, by way of ins... Read More
Sunday, 10 March 2013 14:24
5030 Hits