As celebrants we hear some common misconceptions about weddings, so today Celebrant Melanie Lawson from Oberon in NSW is going to bust some myths!
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It’s the stuff of dreams and movie moments. The traditional kiss during the wedding ceremony is preceded by the celebrant saying to the groom “You may kiss your bride” and the big kiss is recorded by photographers and videographers as the guests cheer and applaud. In today’s blog we look at this sometimes tricky situation with Celebrant Sonia Collins.
Have you ever found yourself on the day of a ceremony and you've come down with the flu, been struck down by the Spicey Cough or had a car accident? You know you can't make the ceremony... but what do you do? Never fear, Celebrant Shell Brown is going to walk you through it step by step.
Are you getting married in Australia? Do you or your partner have limited English language skills? Are you or your partner hearing impaired? What about the two people you've chosen to be your official witnesses? Perhaps you have guests coming to your ceremony who don't understand English or are hearing impaired? There are a number of reasons why you might need to engage an interpreter or a translator when you are getting married....
Christmas can be a time for family togetherness, happiness and love. Combined with good cheer and optimism about the year ahead, the festive season can prompt many loved-up couples to get engaged. If this is you, congratulations! Celebrant Melanie Lawson takes us through what to do next...
It is very easy to get overwhelmed during your wedding planning, so the first thing you need to decide is are you having a wedding or are you gettng married? Celebrant Melanie Lawson from Oberon, NSW explains why your wedding isn't a competition.
Remember back to when marriage equality was introduced, one of the stereotyped expectations within the general community was that everyone in the LGBTIQ+ community would rush out and have a big gay wedding. Celebrant Bronte Price shares with us why this didn't happen...
Thinking about getting married at sea? Today, on World Maritime Day, Celebrant Shell Brown from Geraldton, WA guides you through the ebbs and flows of doing so…
Should you write your own wedding vows? For so many couples, this is not an easy question to answer... but never fear, Celebrant Melissa Jones from Goulburn, NSW is helping us to navigate through.
Well... Congratulations! You have just got engaged, you might be wearing shiny new rings, and you have a wedding to plan. Celebrant Leslie Ridgeway is going to take you through the basics of getting married.
Who's up for an adventure? In today's blog Celebrant Melanie Lawson takes us through a rollercoaster of adventurous ideas for your ceremony...
Ever wondered why a bride used to wear a veil or carries flowers to the marriage ceremony? Celebrant Susie Roberts takes us through some well-known wedding traditions, and the history behind them...
The current trend amongst savvy couples is to have a small wedding with lots of oomph! Today, Celebrant Susie Roberts from Grafton, NSW is sharing a few suggestions on how to get that OOMPH!
If you are planning a wedding in Australia you have probably given a beach wedding at least a passing thought. Celebrant Sonia Collins from Batemans Bay, NSW gives us a few things to consider to make sure your day is amazing....
It's officially spring....
the flowers are blooming...
new life is emerging....
Are you one of the many couples finding that you need to change your wedding plans because of the coronavirus? The reality of travel restrictions as well as those on ceremonies and wedding receptions means making some decisions. Luckily we have Celebrant and Chairperson of The Celebrants Network - Sonia Collins at the ready to give some suggestions...
Flowers are beautiful but….
Flowers play a part in so many of our rituals and ceremonies. From adorning a wedding aisle, laid as a wreath to remember those who died in war, or given as a gift to a bereaved family, flowers can enhance a ceremony and evoke memories and emotions. However, there are many alternatives to the traditional use of flowers. Celebrant and regular blogger, Mel Lawson shares some fabulous ideas......
So, there you are smack bang in the middle of a ceremony and something goes wrong….what do you do. I'm sure that there are many, many more, but let’s look at just a few things that could go wrong.
Today's Blog is written by Celebrant Susie Roberts from Grafton
Celebrants are involved in a wide range of ceremonies, often held outside involving children, dogs, emotional family members and people taking part in rituals for the first time in their lives. What could go wrong? The answer is anything and everything!
Today we have our regular guest blogger Melanie Lawson from Oberon, NSW raising awareness of potential calamities in your ceremonies and tips on how to be prepared.
When a couple’s pets are their fur-babies it is natural to want to include them in any family celebration. The Celebrants Network member, Sonia Collins takes us through the pros and cons of including your pet in your ceremony.
Today's Guest Blogger is TCN Celebrant Karen Faa.... this is the story of Brent and Alyce, married a few days ago at The Chapel Montville. It was absolutely spellbinding. Karen has written what she thought Brent may have been experiencing as he showed the vulnerability and beauty of pure love. There was not a dry eye in the place!
We've all got a dream of what our ceremony is going to look like. We've all searched through Pinterest and Etsy and magazines saving the pictures that will best fit our theme. But, the more ideas you come up with - the more the budget is blown out! What if I told you that there was a way to have your cake and eat it too? Check out these thrifty ways that you can have the ceremony of your dreams and still be able to afford the Uber ride home...
When you're planning a lovely outdoor ceremony, you would generally think of how beautiful the scenery is, how the area matches your theme or perhaps there is a sentimental reason you've picked this spot, but rarely do you think about whether or not your guests will be eaten alive by mosquitos.
Here are 7 fabulous outdoor ceremony ideas to make sure that your ceremony it's too hot, too cold or overrun by mozzies.....
Timing is vital on a day as important as your wedding day. It's a juggling act with numerous balls in the air, so having a well timed out schedule and sticking to it will help the day run smoothly. If you've planned correctly and timed it all out in advance then you be free of stress knowing that you've done everything you can and the rest is in the hands of 'whatever happens now is what happens'.
Here is why timing is vital to your wedding day...
You're planning your wedding... a naming ceremony... an anniversary ceremony, but where do you start? Where do you find your ceremony inspiration? Here are a few good places to start...
We kiss people every day, and we generally know what's appropriate for each situation... but you know, the first kiss after the celebrant declares you married? The one with everyone watching as you lip lock in public with the cameras and videos working overtime. Yes, that kiss. That's not an everyday kiss that you will automatically know what to do. Today we're looking at what type of kiss is appropriate...
Traditions at a wedding are very important to couples and their families because if you don't follow the traditions.... did you really just get married? The answer is yes, but to some people it can feel like you didn't do it properly if you don't include them. Here we look at some of the more popular wedding traditions and how they've morphed into a 21st century friendly version. As these are very old traditions - please forgive the lack of equality in them. Hopefully the way in which these traditions have transitioned will help to encompass all couples who wish to marry...
ABC Article - How much do weddings really cost
Here's a TCN member's blog post about budget wedding ideas

1. the things you definitely can't live without and 2. the things you can.

do your homework
write everything down
be in agreement with each other about it and discuss any changes
Ask a third party to be your voice of reason
Keep a picture of your ultimate goal for after the wedding ie: holiday destination, house or car up on the fridge or near your computer to keep you motivated not to spend all your savings on this one day.

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Show me the Stats
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics dated November 2016, there were 113,595 marriages registered Australia wide in 2015.

Out of the couples married in 2015 31.9% were born in different countries.
13.9% were born in the same overseas country.

Civil Celebrants have overseen the majority of marriage ceremonies (since 1999) at an average across the country of 74.9%
If you would like to engage a civil celebrant for your marriage ceremony, commitment ceremony, vow renewal, baby naming ceremony or any other event that you'd like to celebrate - including memorials and life celebrations - then please contact one our fabulous TCN Celebrants
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wear a white dress;
have bridesmaids;
have my dad walk me down the aisle;
carry flowers:
something old, something new, something borrowed & something blue...
Because of tradition we base what constitutes a 'real' wedding on whether we follow what everybody else has done before us.
Whilst traditions in general are important for continuity; making the moment special; and giving you something to look forward to, not all traditions are as relevant as they once were.
For example:

Photo: Pixabay
Bridal Parties

Photo: Pixabay
While bridesmaids are invaluable for moral support and helping you get in and out of your dress, originally they used to have a far more serious role in the wedding: protecting the bride from evil spirits. Bridesmaids were originally directed to dress just like the bride, and this was intended to confuse evil spirits or those who wished to harm the bride.
Note: It is not a legal requirement for you to have bridesmaids or groomsmen as such - you only need your celebrant and 2 witnesses, and you won't be any less married if you don't have a buck's or a hen's night.

Photo: Pixabay
Back in the day daughters were considered their father's property, meaning the father had the right to give his daughter to the groom, usually for a price which had to be paid to the bride's family before he could marry her. This was called the dowry. Times have changed a bit now and having dear old dad walk you down the aisle has become a sign of love and symbolic of the marrying couple having the support from all the parents as they move on with the next stage in their life. Some people have added mum into the mix with the bride walking in with either or both her parents and sometimes the groom also walks in with his parents first.

and no reference to it as being "a thing" can be found, so from this moment forward, in my opinion only, as a show of respect for the groom, the families, all the guests, the celebrant, the musician, the photographer, the videographer, the venue, the co-ordinator, the car hire people and anybody else that it effects that all brides should arrive on time.
Please contact a TCN Celebrant today to find out more about the traditions that you'd like to include in your marriage ceremony.
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