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How to involve blended families into your ceremony
Here are some ideas to include in a ceremony:
* Say a formal "Thank You", with a few words of love and appreciation, along with a gift of a hug, flowers, jewellery, or a written "Thank You" or "Love U Note".
* Say a formal "Thank You", with a few words of love and appreciation, along with a gift of a hug, flowers, jewellery, or a written "Thank You" or "Love U Note".
* Plant a tree together
* Have a sand ceremony with each member of the family using different colour sand
* Make a promise or vow, especially to children who are adapting to being part of a new blended family.

* Have a handfasting with each family member placing a ribbon
* Create a painting together
* Modify a traditional practice by thinking creatively. For example, have both biological and step fathers walk the bride into the wedding ceremony
* Prepare a basket of wishes to be distributed during the certificate signing, and finish the ceremony with each guest making a wish to the guest or guests of honour
* Choose a reading (poetry, prose or even song lyrics) for one or a small group to share by reading different lines, or have a group musical presentation
* New family members can all sign a family certificate
There are as many ways to celebrate members of blended families as there are blended families, so why not create your own special ceremony?

The most important thing is that every one is made to feel included and valued.
Remember though - when involving children, do consider their level of maturity and do not ask them to make promises that are not their responsibility or are likely to stress their relationships with others.
If you would like to speak to a celebrant about your blended family's ceremony - Click here for The Celebrants Network.
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