The Celebrants Network Inc - BLOG
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When the time comes that you need to engage a Funeral Celebrant, you may not be in the mindset to think of all the questions you'd like to ask... in this blog Celebrant Melanie Lawson has tried to make that as easy as possible for you...
Everyone has a story to tell, but all too often it is not one that is known to everyone who is closest to you. We all want to be remembered, for more than the money and possessions that we leave behind... today's blog is written by: Celebrant Roslyn McFarlane from Pakenham, Victoria.
Not sure how to navigate choosing music for a funeral or memorial? Celebrant Leslie Ridgeway has got you covered...
It's officially spring....
the flowers are blooming...
new life is emerging....
Are you like many people in Australia who find that talking about death is still a bit of an uncomfortable topic? Celebrant Sonia Collins from Batemans Bay, NSW talks to us about Dying to Know Day.
Celebrant and regular blogger Sonia Collins shares the importance of recording your life story while you still can....... “Why would I want to tell my life story? I’m not rich or famous, no one is interested in my life”...... This is often the first response from people at workshops on recording life stories. Before I start to give them ideas why they might want to record their life stories I always ask one question – “Who in this world knows the most about your life?”
Online ceremonies cannot replace the face to face connection we often yearn for when someone we love dies. However, while the Covid-19 and travel restrictions are in place, this style of ceremony does allow us a means to connect and engage with family and friends, locally or overseas, in a meaningful way to share stories, laughter and tears together and to say farewell.
Today’s blog is written by Celebrant, trainer, author and all round lovely lady, Wendy Haynes.
The Australian government has set strict limits on numbers at funerals as part of the effort to contain the Coronavirus - COVID19. There is currently a limit of 10 people at any funeral – and that includes the celebrant and the Funeral Director’s staff. (Note: since this article was written in early April, the number has increased to 10 mourners plus celebrant and FD staff - these rules are likely to continue to change over the coming months)
Social distancing must be in place so offering comfort is difficult. We all understand the reasons for these limitations but they can be very hard for families, friends and colleagues to come to terms with.
Sonia Collins - Marriage and Funeral Celebrant, regular blogger and Chairperson of The Celebrants Network, takes a look at new ways to say our last goodbyes during this current pandemic.
DTK Day is on 8th August 2019. To quote the Dying to Know Day website "Too many of us are dying in a way not consistent with our values or wishes. Too often, we feel ill-equipped to support loved ones who are dying, caring or grieving. Dying to Know Day is designed to change this by activating conversations and curiosity."
Today’s blog is written by TCN Committee Member, Melanie Lawson. week's blog is bought to you by Sonia Collins, TCN Celebrant, Guest Blogger and Host of the 'Tell Me Your Story' senior's workshop, held in conjunction with the New South Wales Seniors Festival which is taking place from February 13th – 24th. Other States hold Seniors Week at different times but the purpose of these celebrations is always similar – to celebrate Seniors and to encourage them to live healthy lives filled with enjoyable activities.
Funerals and memorial services provide an opportunity for family members, friends and others to gather together to honour and remember the person who died while offering comfort and support to each other.
Planning a funeral or memorial service is a highly personal process, and your decisions will be shaped by your life experiences, your relationship to the deceased, what the deceased wanted or what you desire for yourself after you die, what you can afford, and a myriad of other factors.
Whether planned after a death occurs or beforehand arranging a funeral or memorial service often proves an emotional, and sometimes exhausting, process.
Hopefully this information will help to make that process a little easier to understand.....
In keeping with TCN’s contribution to Dying to Know Day next week our blog today is about the importance of making your wishes known before it’s too late.
Let’s explore some of the benefits in forward planning...

According to the NSW Trustee and Guardian, 45% of Australians don’t. If you are one of them, there is a risk that your estate – property, money and other assets will be distributed according to a legal formula instead of following your wishes.

So make a Will now!!
You can really help your family out by letting them know what you would prefer – church or civil service, burial or cremation, who to notify of your death, any special music, photos or readings for the ceremony. It will be much easier for your family or friends to make arrangements if they feel confident that they are fulfilling your wishes. Rather than saying “just put me in the compost” why not write down and talk about your wishes and tell the family of any plans you have put in place such as a pre-paid funeral arrangement.

If you are not sure what is possible for funerals why not talk to a TCN funeral celebrant.
This might be in words, pictures or both. It might be a published autobiography or a hand filled photo album. How many times have you wished that you asked your grandfather more about his wartime service or looked at a family photo and wondered who that very old man in the centre of the photo is?

We live in such a rapidly changing society that the things we thought were normal and mundane when we were young, now seem like ancient history to our grandchildren. Your first job may not even exist today. Your first car may now be viewed as a vintage model.
If you would like ideas and help to get started with recording your life story contact a TCN celebrant
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For Dying to Know Day - today Monday 8th August 2016 - TCN would like to encourage everyone to talk about death and particularly funerals and memorials. What questions would you like answered by TCN and our celebrant members?
To start the conversation, here are some questions our TCN celebrant members have been asked:
Must we organise a funeral within a few days of a person's death?
Are there any laws we need to know, if we want to organise our own 'send-off'?
Can we have both a funeral and a memorial?
Am I able to pre-plan my funeral ceremony?
How can our family give a loved one a fitting tribute, but not cost us 'an arm and a leg"?
Can we have a religious funeral ceremony and a civil memorial some time later?
Can we include religious material in a civil funeral?
Our parent does not want any fuss, and tells us not to have a funeral. However we feel uncomfortable about that. What can we do?
If we are not church goers, and do not want to use a funeral chapel, what other venues could we use?
Do we have to have a "Celebration of Life", if our family member was a rather difficult character who caused more pain than joy?
If we were considering a "Do It Yourself" funeral or memorial, what tips do you have for us?
How can we get mum or dad to discuss what they want us to do, when they die?
How can we get our adult children to talk with us - anytime we try they seem to brush the topic to one side?
The Celebrants Network (TCN) invites you to ask these questions and more!
You may ask a question via our Blog Comments Section at the bottom of this blog - anytime today or tonight.
In fact, if you are too busy today, then ask when you can.
It's very easy to do.
However, if you have any hassles, please feel free to contact us.
The Celebrants Network (TCN) has created a special Dying to Know Section for your information, in addition to our Ceremonies for loss and grief Section for Everyone.
What have you done to farewell a family member or friend?
You are also invited to share your experiences here with us.
* __________________________________________________________ *
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