The Celebrants Network Inc - BLOG

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Record your life story - before it's too late

The 8th of August is Dying to Know Day - a day to start a conversation about death and dying.  We tend to avoid talking about death, grief and loss despite this being something that affects all of us.  Dying to Know Day encourages us to talk with our loved ones about death and to learn how to support others who are bereaved. Today's blog has been written by TCN Member, Melanie Lawson from Oberon, NSW.

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  4187 Hits
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Family history in play back.

Thank you Melanie, I have been asked to interview and record the memories of 3 older Aunties in my family as we research our fami... Read More
Tuesday, 18 July 2023 09:02
4187 Hits

Telling your story

There are so many very good reasons to tell or record your life story, and a great way to express this is in a photo book. A beautiful book that tells the story of your life in words and photos. Written by Celebrant, Leslie Ridgeway from Ocean Grove, Victoria

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  1684 Hits
1684 Hits

Oh no... I'm too sick to get to my ceremony, now what?

Have you ever found yourself on the day of a ceremony and you've come down with the flu, been struck down by the Spicey Cough or had a car accident?  You know you can't make the ceremony... but what do you do?  Never fear, Celebrant Shell Brown is going to walk you through it step by step.

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  2971 Hits
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Anita Wabeke

Preparedness the key take away...

Thanks for this great presentation on a very simple process if prepared. A set of plans everyone can achieve. A wish also ...This ... Read More
Monday, 26 February 2024 14:57
Robyn Ryan

Emergency Backup Plan

As I have just finished my Certificate IV and am awaiting registration with the Attorney General's Office, I found this article ve... Read More
Wednesday, 23 November 2022 14:25
Shell Brown

Welcome to the world of celebr...

Thanks Robyn. I appreciate your feedback. Always better to be over prepared, that's what I always say ... Read More
Wednesday, 23 November 2022 15:46
2971 Hits

Why use a translator or an interpreter in Australia?

Are you getting married in Australia?  Do you or your partner have limited English language skills?  Are you or your partner hearing impaired?  What about the two people you've chosen to be your official witnesses?  Perhaps you have guests coming to your ceremony who don't understand English or are hearing impaired?  There are a number of reasons why you might need to engage an interpreter or a translator when you are getting married....

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  4155 Hits
4155 Hits

Anniversary Symbols

Are you one of those people who can never remember what you're meant to buy your partner or your wife or your husband or your spouse for your anniversary each year?  Is it paper?  Is it wood?  Which year do I give roses?  Here's a handy guide for you..... you're welcome!
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  3571 Hits
3571 Hits

How to add Ceremony to any Celebration

If you think about it, there is always an element of formality to most events.  When you think of formal events  you think weddings, funerals and naming days, but there are many events in our lives where we can add ceremony.  Celebrant Shell Brown from Geraldton, WA shares some ideas as how to add a bit of ceremony to your celebration.
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  3779 Hits
3779 Hits

And that was 2021...

Goodbye 2021 – this time last year we hoped you would behave far better than 2020 and you really let us down.  We can only hope that you will tell 2022 that we are ready for improvements.  Our esteemed Association Chairperson, Sonia Collins reminisces about this past year...

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  1162 Hits
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Happy New Year

Thanking for your support in those years I wish you a Happy prosperous New Year with all the goodies what we expect. Great to be a... Read More
Friday, 31 December 2021 12:44
1162 Hits

The Rise and Rise of Civil Celebrancy in Australia

In 2023 we will be celebrating 50 years of a civil celebrant program in Australia.  In today’s blog celebrant Sonia Collins gives a brief history of the program as part of our celebrations for World Celebrants Week 2021.

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  6256 Hits
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Wendy Haynes

Interesting read. Thank you!

Thank you Sonia. Your blog post and the article by Lynn Knorr was a great read. Thank you!
Wednesday, 17 May 2023 20:20
6256 Hits

Should you write your own Vows?

Should you write your own wedding vows?  For so many couples, this is not an easy question to answer... but never fear, Celebrant Melissa Jones from Goulburn, NSW is helping us to navigate through.

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  1406 Hits
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Vicki Frittmann

Great Topic

Thank you for writing on this subject. So many couples do freak out at the thought of writing vows and also speaking them.
Tuesday, 21 September 2021 15:22
Guest — Christine Eddes


This is great...Thanks for your insight ?
Tuesday, 21 September 2021 10:26
1406 Hits

Getting Married – The Basics

Well... Congratulations! You have just got engaged, you might be wearing shiny new rings, and you have a wedding to plan. Celebrant Leslie Ridgeway is going to take you through the basics of getting married.

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  1856 Hits
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Sonia Collins

Good clear article

very clear outline of the process. The good thing for couples is that their celebrant will guide them every step of the way.... Read More
Saturday, 04 September 2021 18:14
Steve King


Really nice, well done
Saturday, 04 September 2021 13:05

thank you

good information, good article well done
Thursday, 02 September 2021 18:55
1856 Hits

The business end of Celebrancy

Have you just become a celebrant or are thinking about embarking on that journey?  Registered Celebrant and member of The Celebrants Network, Leslie Ridgeway gives us some insights into what you need at the business end of Celebrancy.

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  1442 Hits
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Denise Vujovich

the business end

Thank you, some very sound advice.
Thursday, 10 June 2021 07:44
1442 Hits

The importance of celebrant buddies

Having celebrant buddies is really important for a number of reasons. Celebrant Susie Roberts takes us through just a few...

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  1519 Hits
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Guest — Trish Williams

Yes please!!!

Hi everyone, I'm Trish and a new celebrant as well. I live in Lavington NSW and moving to Wallan in Victoria soon. I would love ... Read More
Saturday, 02 October 2021 20:01
Guest — Paul Sonter

A Buddy

Hello everyone. My name is Paul I am located at the Sunshine coast, I am a new celebrant and would appreciate a buddy very much p... Read More
Monday, 02 August 2021 09:53
Tracey Kelly

A Buddy, now thats an idea!

I work mainly St. Kilda and Bayside, Victoria- Marriages and Funerals and although I'm not a New Celebrant, been officiating since... Read More
Tuesday, 13 July 2021 18:25
1519 Hits

Why should I engage a celebrant?

Having a skilled celebrant can mean the difference between an event being mediocre or being an inspiring, memorable tribute to people who have a special place in our lives....
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  2208 Hits
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Sonia Collins

Something to consider

There is a bit of a trend today to encourage family led celebrations, particularly for events such as baby namings, anniversaries,... Read More
Wednesday, 17 March 2021 15:53
2208 Hits

The Marriage Celebrant by Karen Faa

Ever wondered what it is like to be a Marriage Celebrant?  Celebrant and trainer, Karen Faa from Queensland explains it so well...

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  1275 Hits
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Marjory Wood

Hi there, I loved this poem and looking forward to all of that in my life. I am a student. I'm nearly finished, and have enjoyed e... Read More
Thursday, 04 March 2021 17:13
Karen Faa

Thanks so much everyone! Glad...

... Read More
Wednesday, 24 February 2021 16:31
Suzi Gosney


Great description Karen, all "just in a days work" that we do for love... Read More
Wednesday, 24 February 2021 16:03
1275 Hits

The Celebrants Network's Day of Love

Each year, on the 1st of September, The Celebrants Network celebrates its own Day of Love.  This special day highlights all the ways in which people can love.  We love our partner, our children, our parents, our grandparents, our friends all in different ways, so why not celebrate each and every one?
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  2928 Hits
2928 Hits

How to say ‘Goodbye’ to a loved one when you can’t be there in person

We are certainly living in a strange time where some of us at sometime this year have been or will be denied access to our loved ones when they are sick, dying or have passed away.  Today we have Celebrant Susanna Jose from Canberra, ACT sharing her own personal story...

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  1151 Hits
1151 Hits

A Wedding Day Checklist for Celebrants

As a celebrant do you have a written checklist for what you need to do on a “wedding day”?
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  14160 Hits
14160 Hits

What is The Celebrants Network?

The Celebrants Network is a celebrant association that welcomes all civil celebrants and celebrancy students to join.  We are a not-for-profit incorporated association so you know that our fees are used to benefit our members.  What are those benefits?  Read on.....
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  2222 Hits
2222 Hits

Moving with the times… two questions.

Part of you membership with The Celebrants Network includes an entry into our Celebrant Directory. Have you kept yours up to date? What about your phone?  Are you using it to its full potential?  Celebrant Susie Roberts from Grafton, NSW is asking us 2 questions.....

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  1226 Hits
1226 Hits

"I Do" Take 2: Unique Ideas for a Vow Renewal Ceremony

Have you been wondering how you might reaffirm your love for your partner?  What about a Vow Renewal Ceremony? Today's blog takes us through some great ideas to create a beautiful and personal ceremony - written by freelance writer and guest blogger - Harper Reid.

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  6001 Hits
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Guest — Christine Eddes


Thanks Sonia...happy to do both:-)
Friday, 20 March 2020 11:17
Sonia Collins

Yes you can share

Hi Christine. Sure - love you to share - either from here or from The Celebrants Network Facebook page. Please credit both Harper... Read More
Friday, 20 March 2020 11:11
Guest — Christine Eddes


Great ideas... I'm not sure of protocol here...but are we able to share any of the blogs on our Facebook pages etc?
Friday, 20 March 2020 09:47
6001 Hits

Naming Ceremony for a Transgender Person

A person’s name is the greatest connection to their own identity and individuality. Some might say it is the most important word in the world to that person. Most of us may have had the experience where somebody has called us the wrong name... think about how that felt.... now imagine that people are calling you by a name you feel no identity with and perhaps feel negative emotions about, especially when you've specifically asked them not to use it. 

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  4031 Hits
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Sonia Collins

Great idea

What a great way for parents, partners or friends to demonstrate their support for a transgender person by taking part in a ceremo... Read More
Thursday, 20 February 2020 20:21
4031 Hits

NSW Seniors Festival 2020

NSW Seniors Festival is happening during the week of 12-23 February.  The theme for this year’s festival is “Love to Celebrate”.  What a great topic for all of us at The Celebrants Network to embrace!  

In the spirit of this year’s festival, The Celebrants Network and Celebrant Mel Lawson bring you 5 things to celebrate about getting older...

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  1464 Hits
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Rhonda Allen

Celebrate health

These are excellent points and good to be reminded sometimes of the good things about ageing, I agree with all you have said, Mel.... Read More
Thursday, 13 February 2020 12:59
1464 Hits

The five stages of grief

Loss and grief affect all of us.  We can experience loss through the death of a family member; a relationship breakup; or the loss of a home – as we have seen so much of in the recent fires across Australia.  Join Celebrant and regular blogger, Melane Lawson as she takes us through the five stages of grief.
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  2062 Hits
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Susanne Middlewood


Hi Melanie, Thanks for your comment. I would love to write a blog sometime in the future. best wishes,Sue
Monday, 03 February 2020 14:36
Melanie Lawson

Feedback always welcome

Thanks for your feedback Susanne; it is appreciated. The Celebrants Network social media team would love to hear from you if y... Read More
Saturday, 01 February 2020 17:34
Melanie Lawson

Models of the grief process

Hi Susanne, Yes you are right there are many theories and models to help us understand the grieving process. I’m sorry if this ar... Read More
Thursday, 30 January 2020 14:58
2062 Hits

Wedding statistics

Every year the Australian Burearu of Statistics puts out all the stats from the data collected from the year before... so we're always 12 months behind, but it gives us a good information about who is getting married in Australia adn how they're going about it.

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  2039 Hits
2039 Hits

"What Could Possibly Go Wrong" - Be Prepared!

Celebrants are involved in a wide range of ceremonies, often held outside involving children, dogs, emotional family members and people taking part in rituals for the first time in their lives. What could go wrong? The answer is anything and everything!

Today we have our regular guest blogger Melanie Lawson from Oberon, NSW raising awareness of potential calamities in your ceremonies and tips on how to be prepared.

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  1583 Hits
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good point, Melanie thank you for reminding
Thursday, 07 November 2019 18:27
1583 Hits

Celebrating fathers

This Sunday, the 1st of September is Father’s Day across Australia.  A day to celebrate the involvement of fathers of every size and shape in the care and development of our children and the support of our families.  Today's blog is written by TCN Celebrant, Melanie Lawson from Greater Western Sydney.

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  1442 Hits
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Guest — Shirley Naylor

Malt Loaf

My Dad has a deep and abiding love of Malt Loaf, the traditional Yorkshire variety, eaten with a strong tasty cheese. I am making ... Read More
Friday, 30 August 2019 00:16
1442 Hits

The Great Outdoors - Planning a successful outdoor ceremony

An outdoor ceremony can take a lot of planning and today, TCN Celebrant and Guest Blogger, Melanie Lawson from Richmond, NSW is taking us through all the ins and outs...
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  1762 Hits
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Guest — Andrew Whitbread-Brown

Plan B

I planned my first wedding in my bush garden on our garden deck. Plan B was under the house is a largish covered area. The mornin... Read More
Wednesday, 12 June 2019 12:05
1762 Hits

Using humour in ceremonies

Photo credit: Rochelle James -

Marriage is a solemn and binding relationship.  In fact, marriage celebrants are legally required to remind a couple of this during their marriage ceremony.  But a marriage ceremony doesn’t need to be all solemn and serious and while marriage celebrants aren’t stand up comedians, there are many ways to include humour in your ceremony.... Today's blog post is written by TCN Celebrant Kim Waddington.

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  2394 Hits
2394 Hits

Writing your own vows - Part 1

Writing your own marriage vows?  Not sure where to begin? Today's blog is the first of two parts - written by TCN Celebrant, author and today's guest blogger, Susanna Jose from Canberra, ACT.

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  3142 Hits
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Susanna Jose

Thank you

Thanks so much LeeAnne! ?
Thursday, 23 May 2019 18:57
Guest — LeeAnne Bennett

Lovely blog

Thanks for this blog. As a new celebrant it gives me ideas for my web page. I’ve bought your book too. LeeAnne
Thursday, 23 May 2019 07:19
3142 Hits

My career change to become a celebrant

Becoming a celebrant has generally been a second, third or even fourth career change for some people.  Most celebrants you speak to describe their work as 'a vocation', 'a calling', or 'a real labour of love', but once you've arrived at your destination of becoming a celebrant, it's hard to turn away.   In today's blog we're introducing you to two TCN Members - Karen Dearing from Cobbitty, NSW and Katherine Sessions from Bendigo, Vic, who are sharing the stories of how they transitioned into the the world of celebrancy...

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  1942 Hits
1942 Hits

Planning for Plan B

TCN Celebrant and Guest Blogger, Susanna Jose from Canberra is sharing her thoughts on what you should do to plan for your Plan B - something we should all have in place, but all hope we never have to use.....

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  7984 Hits
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Susan Roberts


Hi Nusin, By having all of the details of the wedding party in a folder on the front seat of the car.
Sunday, 17 July 2022 07:39
Guest — Nusin

Just for knowledge

How will you Create a business policy outlining the steps would take to ensure that a message can be given to the wedding party in... Read More
Sunday, 17 July 2022 02:26
Robert Hughes

Be prepared!

It's good to be well prepared.
Monday, 20 May 2019 16:47
7984 Hits

I'm Getting Married!... Now What?

You've just proposed marriage or been propsed to, you're wearing an incredible ring and you've announced your engagment to your loved ones..... now what?  Well, here begins a very exciting time of planning for you you both!
For some of you this proposal might have come as complete surprise and for others it might be the final stage to what could have been months of discussion and planning.  Now that you’ve made the biggest decision - to get married, there are just a few more smaller decisions that need to be discussed and decided upon before your wedding day can be realised.
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  2473 Hits
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Gwen Ford

Re: Planning

Have Plan A and Plan B. Some people over plan, over think things and that can be as bad as not planning. This is a great article, ... Read More
Thursday, 19 January 2017 19:47
2473 Hits

Celebrant Planning

Are you new to the celebrancy world?  Trying to become more organised? or just wondering what a celebrant does?  Check out guest blogger, Susie Roberts' list of everything a celebrant needs to plan to help keep you on track....

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  10050 Hits
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Soo Good!

In the years I have been a Celebrant and meeting so many wonderful people (like my wonderful Colleagues Celebrants) I have not see... Read More
Thursday, 10 January 2019 16:36
10050 Hits

The Importance of timing at a ceremony

Timing is vital on a day as important as your wedding day.  It's a juggling act with numerous balls in the air, so having a well timed out schedule and sticking to it will help the day run smoothly. If you've planned correctly and timed it all out in advance then you be free of stress knowing that you've done everything you can and the rest is in the hands of 'whatever happens now is what happens'.

Here is why timing is vital to your wedding day...

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  3137 Hits
3137 Hits

Celebrating family members

Celebrating family

We have birthdays, mother's day and father's day... but what about everybody else in our family?  When do we celebrate them?

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  1673 Hits
1673 Hits

A shop for every celebrant's stationery needs

TCN have an online stationery shop for all your celebrant needs.  Hardback register folders; certificate presentation folders; stickers for embellishing your certificates; certificate envelopes, embossed certificate card in A5 & A4, badges and much more.....
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  4294 Hits
4294 Hits

Day of Love Ceremony Credits

"I hope you don't mind
that I put down in words
How wonderful this life is
while you're in the world"
Elton John

Each of these celebrants is offering you a credit for any ceremony if you call today to make a booking. 

So, check out these amazing celebrants and get on the phone and start booking .... #sharethelove

Shell Brown - Mandurah, WA

Elaine Dinnigan - Perth, WA

Sonia Collins - Batemans Bay, NSW


Susie Roberts - Grafton, NSW


Fiona Hall - Central Coast, NSW

Anna Wong - Melbourne, Vic

 You can find all our other fabulous celebrants HERE 

Thank you for being a part of TCN's Day of Love

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1724 Hits

Why is Ceremony Important?

Why are ceremonies important?

The dictionary defines "ceremony" as:

noun (pl-nies

1. a formal act or ritual, often set by custom or tradition, performed in observation of an event or anniversary

I recently came across a great webpage belonging to a Canadian Celebrant, and thought that her explanation of why we have ceremonies was spot on and I couldn’t have worded it any better myself....

Here's what Celebrant Michele Davidson of Modern Celebrant says on her webpage:

"Longing to Connect
Have you ever wondered why we put so much effort into celebrating the start of a marriage with a wedding ceremony? Or why celebrations of life, memorials and funerals feel so incredibly important to do – and to do right?  What about the feeling we have when we bring a new life into this world…. doesn’t it feel like there should be some sort of community event?
One of the most beautiful aspects of being human is how strongly we yearn to connect with the people we love. We quite naturally long for emotional richness and a sense of significance when it comes to the big experiences of life. For some people it’s a very conscious desire; for others it is something they can’t quite name or put their finger on. 

It’s such a shame that in our fast-paced society, many people no longer truly ‘get’ the profound opportunities ceremony offers! They either do nothing, or go through the motions with perfunctory (just get through it) ceremony.
We’ve evolved and grown in so many ways – as a culture and as individuals – but for some reason we play small when it comes to honouring life changes.

Ceremony should be a Catalyst
A well thought out and lovingly conducted ceremony takes you through a gateway. Metaphorically through the words and gestures of your ceremony, you move with greater intention from one phase of your life to the next; from one way of ‘being’ into another. For instance, a wedding ceremony is not merely saying, “I do.” A wedding ceremony should be a catalyst that allows two individuals to really ‘get’ that they now step forward into a life that is shared.

Your ceremony should actually mean something. Not be just a pretty sparkly thing that is soon forgotten.

Something that you will remember forever."
[thank you to Michele Davidson - Modern Celebrant for allowing us to use her webpage]

Ceremonies happen at many events:

* At birthdays we blow out candles and sing "Happy Birthday" - would the party mean as much if we didn't do those things?

* We celebrate people's greatness by giving out awards and making speeches - would the recipient feel as special and appreciated if we made no fuss?

* At funerals and memorials we lay flowers and recite poetry to show respect to lost loved ones - how would we feel if we didn't mark their death in some significant way?
* We exchange rings and vows at a wedding because it actually means something to the couple.  They're saying 'I choose you to take this next step in life, will you join me?'  It's binding, not just legally, but emotionally.


The more that we pay attention to the ceremony, and accept that it is there to help make our transitions through life smoother, the easier it will become to understand why it is so important.

Talk to a TCN Celebrant today about adding ceremony to your next life event

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2920 Hits

How does the cost of a celebrant fit in with your budget?

Congratulations, you are getting married and are busy working out where you want the ceremony and the reception, the wedding gown, the photographer, how many guests (and do you really have to invite all of the cousins?), who is in the bridal party, rings, cars, cakes, the list goes on. 

And the costs escalate.  Escalate very quickly.

So, where does the celebrant fit into your budget? Celebrant fees can range from $300 to over $1,000 depending on your location and the celebrant. A good tip is to check the fees for your state’s Registry Office, who provide a basic marriage ceremony and expect the fees of an independent celebrant, who comes to your venue of choice and provides a personalised service to charge more than that.

So, you are sitting there with your budget wondering why anyone could charge that much money for less than an hour’s work? 

A celebrant will spend an average of between 10 and 20 hours working on your wedding. Holding meetings with you, making sure all of the legal paperwork is correct, and then making sure the correct paperwork is lodged with the Birth Death and Marriages Section in your state. They will also write a special ceremony for you, with all of your wishes included, they will organise rehearsals of your ceremony and then, on the big day, they will perform your wedding ceremony and make sure that your wedding is legal. 

Without the celebrant, your wedding is just a great party. The celebrant ensures that your party is actually a wedding. 

SO, how do you budget for your celebrant? First, you need to select your celebrant, and do that based on which one feels right for you, not based on their cost. And make sure that you book the date with them, and pay your deposit. 

Then, you can work out the best way to budget for the celebrant, in the same way you would budget for your cake, your reception, the photographer, the hairdresser. 

Some celebrants will happily work with you to organise a “lay by” scheme, whilst others have a scheduled three payment option. Talk with your celebrant about the best options for both of you. 

Having your perfect celebrant perform your perfect wedding ceremony is something that you will remember for the rest of your life.

With your perfect celebrant you can create magic on your wedding day and you can find your perfect celebrant in the TCN directory by clicking here.

READ MORE about Civil Celebrants by clicking here. 

* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *

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  1970 Hits
1970 Hits

Sorry - marrying when you first meet just cannot happen

Despite the impression you may have gained from the latest reality TV show, you are legally required to give your celebrant a completed Notice of Intended Marriage at least one month before the planned wedding, if you want to be married in Australia.

i propose 927744 200Most couples of course plan their wedding much earlier and are keen to book their celebrant well in advance, especially if they are marrying on a busy Saturday in summer or a popular date like Valentine's Day. Wedding planning is an important part of the preparation for your life together as a married couple and working with your celebrant over a period of time to design your ideal ceremony is part of the fun.

There are some very limited circumstances where the Notice period can be shortened to less than one month.  In situations such as terminal illness, immediate overseas postings and similar cases it is possible to obtain permission for an earlier wedding.  Your celebrant will be able to tell you about these rules how to go about seeking permission.

So don't be fooled into thinking that you can call up your celebrant for a wedding in the morning because you have just met the new love of your life.  It just doesn't happen like that.

Of course, if you are so madly in love that you cannot wait a month to gather your family and friends around you and declare your love to the world, you can ask your celebrant to do a "commitment ceremony" - this is what you saw on TV.  These ceremonies have absolutely no legal basis and the celebrant  makes this clear to everyone present.  Later on, if you both decide you want to marry then you can return to your celebrant, give due notice and have a legal wedding - as large or small as you wish. 

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4695 Hits