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A Wedding Day Checklist for Celebrants

As a celebrant do you have a written checklist for what you need to do on a “wedding day”?

The paperwork:

* The fancy Marriage Certificate (or as the Attorney General's Department likes to call it “Form 15 Certificate of Marriage“), printed, and triple checked for spelling of names and addresses, and a spare just in case. 

* 2 x copies of the Official Certificate of Marriage with the Declaration of no legal impediment to Marriage printed on the back of one copy, both triple checked for spelling.

These forms can be filled in online and printed out double sided on one copy, or can be filled out in one of CanPrint's Green Books. 

Your copy of the Official Certificate of Marriage can be filled in online, printed and after it's all signed filed and kept as a single sheet of paper or in a CanPrint's Red Book.

Please note under section 50(3) of the Marriage Act 1961, one of the official certificates of marriage shall be on the reverse side of the paper bearing the declaration of no legal impediment to marriage.

* A copy of the ceremony printed out and popped into a display folder - available from our shop or perhaps you like to read from your iPad - make sure it's all charge up and ready to go.

* A presentation copy of the ceremony to give to the couple. 

* The couple's vows printed out ready to hand to them during trhe ceremony.

* Any other special forms that may be required…….such as Interpreter forms

All of the forms are available to download through the Attorney General's Website:

And the Form 15 Marriage Certificate, the Green Book and the Red Book are available through CanPrint: https://marriage.infoservices.com.au/

So what else can you tick off this checklist?

* Is the alternative plan needing to be put into place because of the weather?

* Have you packed a duo of beautiful (and working) pens?

* Do you supply a table and chairs for signing?  Are they ready and clean?

* Tablecloths for the table + clips/pins/paperweights to hold it down?

* Do you supply any table decorations?

Then there is the PA. 

* The day before the wedding - charge the PA. 

* Do a sound check the day before and then again in the morning before you leave.

* Are there new batteries in the cordless belt pack? 

* Are there new or charged batteries in the handheld mike? 

* Have you got a packet of new batteries? 

* Are the wheels on your PA (or the PA carry box) working properly?

* Have you got the music selection sorted? (do this well before the wedding day)

* Does the music play properly? 

* Does the music work from your phone and a USB? 

* Is the music remote charged and operational? 

Don't forget yourself

* Outfit pressed and schmick?

* Do you have a makeup repair kit? 

* Long hair? Pack a brush, hair ties and clips - that wind can be a killer!

* Hairspray? Handy for more than just your hair!

* Shoes clean?  

* Mints in the bag. 

* Toilet stops….nothing worse than being outdoors miles from anywhere and needing the loo. 

* Water - do you have a full water bottle to take with you to the ceremony?  Then perhaps another bottle in your car to have for afterwards to help with dry mouth after the ceremony?

Then there is the extras……..if you are truly well organised.

* An emergency kit - sewing kit, scissors, safety pins, stapler + staples, chux wipes, paper clips, batteries, wet wipes, spare pens, change for parking, bug spray, band aids, static spray, blue tac, sticky tape/gaffer tape, nail file.... this list goes on....

* A notice for your windscreen letting people know where you are (perhaps with your mobile number) in case they need you to move your car. 

* A notice with names and contact numbers with your paperwork on your passenger seat outlining where you are going in case of an accident - I know it seems a bit morbid, but we've got to be prepared for anything!

And finally

* Do you know where you're going?  Have you put the address in your GPS?  You might want to do this the day before so you know where you're going and map out the route, especially if it's somewhere you haven't been before.

* Is there parking?  Will you need $change for the parking?

* is the parking area close to the ceremony location?  If it is a distance, do you have your trolley/roadie handy to carry all your equipement?

* Does your car have enough petrol for the return trip?

* Have you got a brolly handy?

Can you think of anything else to add to your wedding day checklist?



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