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Using humour in ceremonies

Photo credit: Rochelle James -

Marriage is a solemn and binding relationship.  In fact, marriage celebrants are legally required to remind a couple of this during their marriage ceremony.  But a marriage ceremony doesn’t need to be all solemn and serious and while marriage celebrants aren’t stand up comedians, there are many ways to include humour in your ceremony.... Today's blog post is written by TCN Celebrant Kim Waddington.

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2330 Hits

Brisbane Civil Celebrant - Pat Slee

This weeks featured celebrant is Pat Slee now in Brisbane, recently moved from Fraser Coast QLD.

I encountered my first wedding when I was 19 a little while before I was to head off for National Service. I found it a strange mix of traditions and mutterings and took it all in.The next one was my own, after I came back from Nashos and got my head back together, (well 95% anyway.)

What a tangled mess of religious hypocrisy that was. A confused Agnostic marrying a non-active Catholic in a Methodist Church because the Catholics and the Church of England’s would not have either of us… and my fiancee’ wasn’t even pregnant at the time!

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3678 Hits