Should you write your own wedding vows? For so many couples, this is not an easy question to answer... but never fear, Celebrant Melissa Jones from Goulburn, NSW is helping us to navigate through.
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Well... Congratulations! You have just got engaged, you might be wearing shiny new rings, and you have a wedding to plan. Celebrant Leslie Ridgeway is going to take you through the basics of getting married.
Good clear article
Today's Guest Blogger is TCN Celebrant Karen Faa.... this is the story of Brent and Alyce, married a few days ago at The Chapel Montville. It was absolutely spellbinding. Karen has written what she thought Brent may have been experiencing as he showed the vulnerability and beauty of pure love. There was not a dry eye in the place!
Thank you to Guest Blogger, Sonia Collins from Batemans Bay in NSW... Today Sonia is talking about Australia and what a beautiful place it is to get married! There are lots of good reasons why people from overseas choose to marry in Australia. Here are just a few...
If you are having a marriage ceremony where it's just you, your witnesses and your celebrant, then you can pretty much choose where ever you like, but when you've asked family and friends to witness your special day, you need to take a few things into consideration when choosing the location of your ceremony...
Checking for sun and shade
Some great hints here
The Marriage Act of 1961 says that you must comply with these six things below in order to get married in Australia:
1. your relationship must be between a man and a woman
2. you must be 18 years of age or over
3. you must not be married to anyone else
4. you cannot marry a person who is your antecedent or descendant by marriage or adoption
5. you must both be capable of and give free consent to marry the other
So, if you can say yes to all six of the Marriage Act rules, or you have been granted the necessary permissions, then you are clear to start planning with your celebrant.
Making the union legal between you and your partner can sometimes be a confusing business which is why it's a great idea to #AskaCelebrant and they will explain all the requirements to ensure your marriage is legally valid.
You can find a TCN Celebrant in your area through the TCN website.
This all has to be done in front of your celebrant and 2 witnesses who are over 18.
You can surprise your guests, but both people who are getting married must have full knowledge and be in agreement at least one full month before the ceremony date.
Can I marry my first cousin?
Yes, you can.
The pretty certificate you get on the day is a legal document that shows you are married but is not accepted by government departments and others for changing your name.
If you have any questions relating to legally getting married in Australia, you can find one right here: Find a TCN Celebrant
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Great Topic