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Harmony Day

Harmony Day - bringing everyone together, celebrating our differences and acknowledging our similarities in humanity...
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Have you ever stopped to think about what the letters LGBTQQIAAP actually stand for? 
Over the years we have gone from labelling a person's sexuality as either straight or gay to a rainbow of names that straight people sometimes find difficult to get their head around.... but if you care about people who identify as 'one of those other letters', then this blog could help give you some important information.
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Helen Williamson

Excellent Job!

Thank you for the very informative, non judgemental blog!
Friday, 06 March 2020 12:11
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Naming Ceremony for a Transgender Person

A person’s name is the greatest connection to their own identity and individuality. Some might say it is the most important word in the world to that person. Most of us may have had the experience where somebody has called us the wrong name... think about how that felt.... now imagine that people are calling you by a name you feel no identity with and perhaps feel negative emotions about, especially when you've specifically asked them not to use it. 

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Sonia Collins

Great idea

What a great way for parents, partners or friends to demonstrate their support for a transgender person by taking part in a ceremo... Read More
Thursday, 20 February 2020 20:21
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Celebrating New Beginnings

Think about all the times in your life when you've started something new... School, university, work, moved house, bought a house, moved in with a partner, moved towns, cities, states and countries, a new project, marriage, children... the list goes on.  TCN Celebrant and today's guest blogger Shell Brown from Mandurah, WA takes us through how we can add ceremony to all our life celebrations.
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