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Brisbane Celebrant - Elizabeth Wilkie

This weeks featured celebrant is Elizabeth Wilkie from Brisbane, QLD.

My name is Elizabeth Wilkie and I am a newly appointed Celebrant as of June 2009. I’ve been married to Anthony for nearly 20 years now and we have two beautiful boys Paul 16 and Christopher 14. Anthony and I run a small building renovation business which has given me the flexibility to stay home with the boys. I have also worked part time in retail which I loved except the hours were a bit of a juggle especially when the kids were little.

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A Christmas poem from a TCN member

DSCF8768-SUNSET-150ASKACELEBRANT BLOG: Christmas in Australia by TCNA Celebrant Member Eunice Phipps

Christmas in Australia is always so darn hot;
If we could build a snowman, he would melt right on the spot.
Christmas in Australia is never white with snow;
Its boiling in the coolest shade, no matter where we go.
Christmas in Australia means there is no fireplace;
For Santa to step out of, with soot upon his face.

Christmas in Australia means we can’t ride down hills on sleds;
We’d have to use a billy cart and brave the roads instead.
Christmas in Australia means we cannot skate on ice;
Unless we go to skating rinks, and pay a hefty price.

Christmas in Australia, not a snow plough to be seen;
We do have trucks that sweep the street, to keep our cities clean.
Christmas in Australia and not a single reindeer in sight;
Here Santa uses Kangaroos, to pull him through the night.

Christmas in Australia, Santa’s suit is way too hot;
But still we see him struggle on, he must really sweat a lot.
Christmas in Australia and it’s way too hot to cook;
Our Christmas lunch is shared with flies, who want our cold cooked chook.

Christmas in Australia means there is no snow ball fight;
I guess we could throw ping pong balls…. at least they would be white.
Christmas in Australia no chestnuts to roast upon the fire;
But we can buy boiled peanuts; if that is our desire.

Christmas in Australia no real fir trees to decorate;
We all use the store bought ones, and some look really great.
Christmas in Australia is as hot as hot can be;
But my Christmas in Australia, is the only place for me.
Because it’s shared with you my friend,
And my precious family.

Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy, New Year!

by Eunice Phipps

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Recent comment in this post
Robbie Fincham
Eunice, what a great poem about Christmas in Australia. I look forward to sharing it with my family on Christmas Day. Thank you.... Read More
Sunday, 22 December 2013 09:44
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