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Melbourne Celebrant - Jacqueline Anstey

This weeks featured celebrant is Jacqueline Anstey from Melbourne, VIC.

Hi, I am a registered marriage celebrant,and have extensive public speaking experience (over 12 years).

In my previous life, I was a corporate trainer and presenter, including some stints overseas. I also dabbled in project management and commenced a counselling course as well.

My long term training job finally came to an end at a similar time to me becoming a parent. What was I to do? I was excited about the opportunity to reinvent myself and being able to choose a career which balanced home and work life.

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  4046 Hits
4046 Hits

Civil Celebrants - better than wine & almost as good as chocolate!

chocolate_and_wineASK A CELEBRANT BLOG: ( Customer Satisfaction rankings - Australia’s leading business review website (word of mouth online) has released new research revealing civil celebrants in the nation’s top 10 best  performers for customer satisfaction.

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  6851 Hits
6851 Hits