The Celebrants Network Inc - BLOG

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What happens to our digital footprint when we die?

Have you ever thought about what happens to your online presence after you die?  Who is supposed to look after your Facebook page?  What will happen to all your Instagram photos?
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3203 Hits

Michael - In Memory Of tribute

“A Loving Heart is the Truest Wisdom ..” Charles Dickens
Free On-Line Memorials in our "In Memory Of" section

Introducing ASKACELEBRANT''s newest section "In Memory Of" on our website.

Do you have a loved one or friend, or respect a community member for whom you would like to make a tribute for their life?

Every day there are short poppies that stand tall in the lives of families and communities who never receive a public acknowledge in the "Obits" of even the local papers. ASKACELEBRANT wants to hear some of their stories.

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  4430 Hits
4430 Hits