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International Women's Day 2021

Do you know the history behind International Women's Day? Celebrant Susie Roberts does and it makes for a very interesting read... 

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Leslie Ridgeway

Thank you

Thank you for the history Susie. Those statistics are frightening. And thank you to all the brave courageous women , past and pres... Read More
Tuesday, 09 March 2021 12:14
Guest — Kay Chapman

Journeys in Life

We as women have come a long way and thank you for reminding us Susie. However, we obviously still have some way to go.
Monday, 08 March 2021 17:10
Guest — Susanna (Sue) Jose

International Womens Day

Well done and thank you Susie. The history and statistics should be known and addressed by everyone. Then we will know we are gett... Read More
Monday, 08 March 2021 13:01
1342 Hits

Celebrating the women in our lives


Think about the women in your life… you might have a mother, a daughter, a sister, a sister-in-law, a wife, an aunty, a grandmother, a granddaughter or a niece.  You could be surrounded by female friends, work colleagues or neighbours.
Now think about the last time that you celebrated each of those women.  When was the last time you told them what a difference they make in your life or how you feel about them?

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Besides Mother’s Day and International Women’s Day how often to we acknowledge and thank the women in our lives for everything they do for us?  They tend to make thankless sacrifices for us and we tend to assume that it’s simply their duty.

So with all that giving and us readily taking, perhaps it’s time that we paused just briefly to think of ways that we could return the love and support given to us?

Here are a few ways that we could give back:

Simply say “Thank you”

It doesn’t sound much does it, but to the person receiving those two little words - you’ll probably find that it means the world.

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Tell them what they mean to you

We all like to feel appreciated and needed. 
So what’s wrong with letting the special ladies in your life know?

Leave them alone!

Sometimes the women in our lives, who do so much for us, just want a bit of  time and space for themselves.  Make an environment where they can do that - guilt free.

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Make time for your female friends

That’s right ladies, I’m not just aiming these tips at men and children….. women need to look out for other women as well.

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Throw a party

Just because women should be celebrated!

Support their ideas and their personal goals

Knowing that your loved ones are right there beside you, encouraging you to follow your dreams is very important.

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For more information about events and activities going on for International Women’s Day, check out their website -  

Their slogan this year is #BeBoldForChange

To find a TCN Celebrant to help you create an amazing celebration for the women in your life.  Click here.
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