The Celebrants Network Inc - BLOG

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Being more accessible - Global Access Awareness Day

The 16th of May was Global Access Awareness Day – the focus of this day is for the technology experts to think about how to ensure that the digital world is inclusive and accessible to all... Today, Celebrant Melanie Lawson is taking us through what we as celebrants can do to be more inclusive.

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  1757 Hits
1757 Hits

How to be inclusive in our ceremonies

The 3rd of December is the International Day of People with Disabilities and as a progressive association of celebrants, we aim to be inclusive not only with our members, but with the couples and families we serve in our communities as well.  Today we have a guest blog writer, Marriage and Funeral Celebrant Roslyn McFarlane from Pakenham in Victoria to talk about ways we can make sure everybody is included in our ceremonies...

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1906 Hits