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High Court throws out ACT's same-sex marriage laws


ASK A CELEBRANT BLOG: Australia's High Court has ruled that the ACT Same Sex Marriage Bill was inconsistent with the Federal Marriage Act, and were therefore unconstitutional.  So the hopes of many couples and families have had a set back. The full judgement will be released later. Read More on:

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Grooms - How do you tell if marriage is for you?

Question_mark_150ASKACELEBRANT BLOG - Are you a bride or groom wondering about whether marriage is really for you? Marriage is a long term commitment. Even in a country where there is divorce, marriage carries thousands of years of expectations and hope that this is a relationship  "for life".

So what questions do you ask yourself to figure out if you are ready to take that BIG step?

Here's an article that uses no religious arguments - yet would be very much at home in many religious faiths - and what's more it is written by a bloke!

Our thanks to Seth Adam Smith for sharing his personal experiences on marriage :

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Can a couple be "more married" than married?

Dally-MResponse by our TCNA Life Celebrant Member Dally M Messenger III to a Recent Letter

Unwedded bliss

Peter Waterhouse repeats an old slur often told by supporters of formal marriage, that de facto relationships just take the form of some sort of ''holding pattern'' until ''something better comes along'' (Letters, 15/8). My partner and I have been in a loving de facto relationship for more than 25 years, producing two wonderful sons on the way. We have never had any intention of either looking for something better or of getting married.

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Recent comment in this post
Rona Goold
Dally has hit the point yet again. Could not have stated it so well so simply.
Thursday, 22 August 2013 19:24
9814 Hits