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Why do 75% of couples choose civil ceremonies?
I was thinking about this question when someone recently suggested that civil ceremonies were a "cheap" option compared with the traditional church wedding. Really nothing could be further from the true reason people choose civil ceremonies. No matter where the ceremony is held, the cost of a wedding is determined by all the extras - dresses, flowers, photographs, cars, reception and so on, and these are usually the same whether the ceremony is civil or church.
No! The real reasons are about atmosphere and choice. For the couple who do not have strong connections with a church, the words, music and atmosphere of a church service can be alien. Whereas with a civil ceremony the couple can choose the time and day, their favourite location, the words and music for their ceremony and can make vows to eachother that are truly meaningful to them. This choice leads to a happy, relaxed atmosphere in which guests can really appreciate the love and commitment that the couple are showing towards each other. No wonder that civil marriage ceremonies, conducted by celebrants trained in both ceremonial and legal requirements, are the most popular ceremonies today.
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