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What a difference a …… civil celebrant makes!
This morning I watched with great pride as one of my colleagues, Kevin Clune, commemorated the 10th Anniversary of the Bali Bombings, in Kings Park, Perth. The sensitivity and empathy that was shown by Kevin was outstanding.
The ceremony acknowledged the loss and the ongoing pain that those that were there still experience, not forgetting those who lost family members/friends, as well as inspiring hope for the future.
Cutting the broadcast short to enable the Victorian service to be shown was so disappointing. Melbourne's service was solemn with little connection to those who still bear the scars. It is interesting that different faiths were invited to participate - but where was the civil celebrant who represents people with little or no faith? There was, what I believe an inappropriate reading from Ecclesiastes 'A time to be born, a time to die'. While this may be appropriate for someone who has led a long and fulfilled life, how does that relate to someone whose life was taken in an act of terrorism?
For that matter, how many of those who were affected were regular church goers?
I should make note here that with the coverage ABC24 hours had, I have not seen the complete service anywhere. What was easy to pick up though was the tone. Victoria - Amazing Grace. WA - Wishing you were here (Pink Floyd).
They were young people who lost their lives, which was the most appropriate?
A civil celebrant creates, writes and presents a ceremony - they have no doctrine to follow, nor any constraints, other than common decency, and yet when are they invited to be involved in such services?
Ministers from many faiths are invited as not to offend anyone.
I am a full time civil funeral celebrant, if faith was so important to the majority of people, why are 60% of funerals now conducted by civil celebrants like myself?
I'm not saying we should not have church involvement, I'm just asking why those 60% of people who chose a celebrant are not represented by a Civil Celebrant?
There are many civil celebrants who do good work for the community! Kevin didn't get paid and yet spent countless hours making sure that it was a ceremony that would touch the hearts and minds of those who attended.
Myself and a group of colleagues put on a memorial service for Father's Day, Mother's Day and Christmas - of our own free will, raising our own funds in order to do something for the community.
Many of us volunteer and conduct ceremonies for Relay for Life (Cancer Victoria) and many other community functions.
A civil celebrant understands ceremony - it is what we do!
Why then, do the powers that be, completely overlook us?
The community needs to understand that we are more than willing to help our society in any way we can, but often we don't even know about it until it is too late.
So if you have a community occasion coming up - ask a celebrant to help, someone who understands the power of ceremony.
A Meditation for Those Left behind . . . .
Author: Robyn O'Connell
We must not, and should not, forget that for some the hurt will never go away.
It’s here again,
where did that time go!
There’s a hole in my heart,
though no one would know
Strangers see me walking
and talking like normal folk do
But they can’t see what is inside,
a heart that is still broken in two
Yes I go on with life
and I try to hide my pain
Even if I told others of it
what good would it gain?
Sometimes I tire of the pity
or the ‘oh sorry’ they say
Their life too
could change in just one day
Don’t think I have forgotten
Even though it’s been so long
You come to mind so easily
Even listening to a song
And so few will know the pain on days like this
or the ache that always stays
Because sometimes it is not just this time of year
but so many of my days.
Robyn O'Connell CMC, Dip MC, FC, Cert IV in Training & Assessment
Celebrant, Author, Funeral Celebrant Trainer & Workplace Trainer
Silver Celebrants
P O Box 5116, Ringwood, Vic, 3134 Tel: (03) 9005 7175 Mob: 0425 726 246
Find our more about Robyn on
Member: Celebrants & Celebrants Network Australia
Member: The Celebrants Network Incorporated
"And can it be, that in a world so full and busy, the loss of one creature, makes a void so wide and deep that nothing but the width and depth of eternity can fill it up!" Charles Dickens
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Comments 2
Agreed Robyn, so many really do not know that there are Civil Celebrants out there who can represent THEM.. the ones who have no particular faith, but a belief in humanity.
The easiest thing is to avoid these gatherings rather than go through a lot of religious offerings that have no relevance or interest to them.
Only by including people, do we have a community.
Thanks Robyn for your comments on civil celebrants for community events and your poem for the Bali 10th Anniversary. Much appreciated.