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  • Australia loses a champion of civil marriage celebrants

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Australia loses a champion of civil marriage celebrants


A Message from the National Chairperson of our Australian celebrant peak body for marriage celebrants - The Coalition of Celebrant Associations.

Dear Colleagues

It is with saddened hearts the Coalition of Celebrants Association (CoCA) Inc wishes to inform all our colleagues in the celebrancy world that Robyn Caine our CoCA Chairperson until 2 days ago and  founding member of CoCA passed away this afternoon. Robyn will always be a treasured part of our lives and her work will live on in the fabric of our celebrancy world and beyond.

May Robyn’s family, friends and colleagues have peace of mind and heart in saying farewell to such a courageous and gracious lady, find  support needed in the times ahead when Robyn’s presence will be missed and give thanks for having the privilege of sharing Robyn’s love and  journey through life.

Tributes for Robyn may be placed on a special webpage CoCA has set up here on the CoCA website.

Kindest regards

Dorothy Harrison
CoCA Chairperson & MCA Delegate


Comments 1

Rona Goold on Monday, 26 May 2014 23:37

My Deepest Sympathy to Robyn's family in their lose
she will be truly missed by all
Andrina Finke

My Deepest Sympathy to Robyn's family in their lose she will be truly missed by all Sincerely Andrina Finke
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