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Why Wait to Celebrate a Milestone?

Why Wait to Celebrate a Milestone?

By Roslyn Macfarlane,
Access Civil Ceremonies

Having just passed our 42nd anniversary I have been giving some thought to having a ceremony to celebrate all of our years together.  Like most couples our journey through life has had some twists and turns,

some ups and downs and still, together we have created some wonderful memories.

Raising a family and having a successful, long term, loving marriage is an event worth celebrating and waiting for the major milestones to celebrate that makes sense in some ways, but when I think about it, there is no really good reason to wait.  Every year we have together as a couple and as a family is a blessing.  Fate can take us down any number of roads, and all too often we find ourselves wishing that we had acted on our good ideas sooner, rather than later.

So where do you begin to prepare for such a celebration?  Looking at the history so far; where it began, the roads you have travelled and the things that inspired you along the way can be a good place to start.  Bringing in elements of your life that have had significant impact such as holidays, professional achievements, social involvements and family.  If you  think a ceremony to celebrate your anniversary is a good idea then there are some wonderful ideas on the internet. 

Visit: Wedding anniversary ceremonies


Comments 1

Ask A Celebrant (website) on Friday, 19 April 2013 22:32

Congratulations Roslyn on 42 years of marriage!! You both certainly have a lot to celebrate - look forward to hearing about your ceremony. Robbie Fincham

Congratulations Roslyn on 42 years of marriage!! You both certainly have a lot to celebrate - look forward to hearing about your ceremony. Robbie Fincham :)
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