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Valentine’s Day: Let’s change it up


So, you are wondering what to get for your special human for Valentines but you are not inspired by the usual offerings? Love red roses but you want to do something different this year.   What else could you do on Valentine’s Day…..especially as it is on a Sunday this year? Celebrant Susie Roberts from Grafton, NSW takes us through some quick, easy and relatively inexpensive ideas that could work for you both. 

Breakfast in Bed. 

Who doesn’t love a wonderful breakfast shared with a partner?  Perhaps some great pre planning so that you have to spend minimal time in the kitchen and more time sharing might make the meal all that more special. 

Picnic in the Park

Ahh, a picnic rug, a hamper full of fabulous food and some sparkly wine…….under the shade of a big tree. What is there not to love. 

A trip to the Zoo.

Is your partner an animal lover... a lover of a particular species (I love otters, orangutangs and hippos)? Can you work out where the animals are located in the zoo, and take your animal lover straight there? 

A Ferry ride.

Now, if you live in Sydney, you might be able to combine the ferry ride with a trip to the zoo!
I don’t live in Sydney, but I still get excited every time I catch one of our two local car ferries! 

A walk in the gardens. 

Does your town have some special gardens? Camellia Gardens, Botanical Gardens, Rhododendron Gardens? If so, an hour out and about in the gardens, might lead to our next idea. 


A slap-up meal in a fabulous café. 

A visit to YOUR café for brunch, or lunch… with a bottle of whatever tickles your fancy! 

A game or 5 of Scrabble or Monopoly… or my favourite, “Pass the Pigs”! 

Not heard of Pass the Pigs? Chase it up, it is soooo much fun! 

A drive in the country. 

Who doesn’t love a rural drive… a getaway for a few hours with your love interest? 

Going on an adventure… doing something they would really like… ballooning, sky diving, jet boating, hiking. 

How adventurous can you get? Bungee jumping, trapeze lessons, rock climbing?? 

A mutual massage with beautiful scented oils. 

Who doesn’t love a massage… just make sure you swap! 

A facial and hand treatment. 

My hubby loves a face mask… have you tried one out one your fella? And you can do them at the same time! 

My favourite… a swim in the ocean. 

What can I say… the salt on my skin, the sun on my body… truly delightful. 

There are lots of things that you can do on Valentine’s Day that don’t cost the earth and show that you have put some thought into pleasing your other half. 


Comments 1

Sonia Collins on Thursday, 11 February 2021 12:40

Some great ideas for a fun time on Sunday - Maybe people will tell us which one they choose.
Oh and I love Pass the Pigs too!!

Some great ideas for a fun time on Sunday - Maybe people will tell us which one they choose. Oh and I love Pass the Pigs too!!
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