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The Importance of Ceremony

The Importance of Ceremony
When a baby is born, when somebody dies, ANZAC Day, and most Saturdays at 3pm there are ceremonies taking place all over Australia... Celebrant, Shell Brown from Geraldton, WA takes us through the importance of ceremony in our communities.

Ceremony... "A formal religious or public occasion, especially one celebrating a particular event, achievement, or anniversary" [Oxford Dictionary] or "An event of ritual significance, performed on a special occasion" [Wikipedia].

Ceremonies for individuals are usually performed to mark a rite of passage such as Birth, Baptism or Naming, Coming of Age, Graduation, Marriage, Anniversary, Retirement, and death.

Ceremonies are also performed at different times in our lives to celebrate an important occasion such as receiving a special award. 
Ceremonies are incorporated into special events such as the opening and closing of sports events such Olympic Games and Commonwealth Games, the Inauguration of a Monarch, President or renowned leader, and days of remembrance such as the 11th of November.

Ceremonies form part of many religious events such as the Holy Communion, Bar Mitzvah, Christmas & Easter and therefore, hold an extremely important place in our lives.
They mark life’s essential moments. They reflect our beliefs, hopes, traditions, culture and spirituality.
A ceremony can help to show people they are united and that they belong. They can motivate us, stimulate our emotions and prompt memories.
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The positive effects of a Ceremony are universal across civilisations and are not specific to age or gender.  It can have many different elements but a ceremony will usually integrate a procession, poetry, music, choreography and symbolism with the aim to emotionally embed and imprint the event into the memory of each individual present.
A well thought out and lovingly conducted ceremony can provide a gateway for the person involved to move from one phase of their life to another.

For instance:

- The aim of a Funeral Ceremony is to allow the grieving family to celebrate the life of their loved one and move onto the new phase of their lives without that person.

- A Graduation Ceremony honours and recognises the achievement of the graduate and marks the beginning of a new chapter in their lives.

If you have a special occasion that you would like to celebrate with a ceremony please check our Celebrant Directory for a Celebrant close to you.

Comments 1

Narelle Adams on Saturday, 07 April 2018 09:16
Ceremony is so important

I am officiating a wedding soon that includes a Moari and Aboriginal welcoming, a Jewish ritual, a wiccan ritual, a candle, sand and salt ritual, a hand fasting, family unity and glass breaking ritual - all in the one wedding. They want to acknowledge all of their cultures.

I am officiating a wedding soon that includes a Moari and Aboriginal welcoming, a Jewish ritual, a wiccan ritual, a candle, sand and salt ritual, a hand fasting, family unity and glass breaking ritual - all in the one wedding. They want to acknowledge all of their cultures.
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