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  • Exploring Rituals - Unity Ceremonies

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Exploring Rituals - Unity Ceremonies

Exploring Rituals - Unity Ceremonies
The earliest recorded wedding ceremony was held in Mesopotamia around 4,300 years ago but did not have legal binding until the Middle Ages.

Since then culture, family and religious beliefs have shaped a range of traditions and rituals.

Many come under the heading of Unity Ceremonies. They are chosen by couples and families as a great way to symbolize a coming together as one. Below are some examples but any activity that “unites” or is shared by the couple or family can be used.

Rose Ceremony - where the bride and groom exchange roses as their first gifts to one another.

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Sand Ceremony - a symbolic blending of different-coloured sands into a single vessel.

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Candles – A candle is lit to symbolize two lives becoming one.

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Wine - The bride and groom each take a carafe of wine and pour it into a single glass, which they both drink from.

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Hand Blessing Ceremony – where the couple hold each other’s hands and are blessed.

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Handfasting - This ceremony dates back to the medieval and renaissance period  in Ireland, Scotland and Wales, but is gaining popularity amongst couples all around the world today. It involves the tying of hands together to symbolize the coming together.

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Tree planting - Plant a tree together to symbolize the growing of a family together, putting down roots, longevity, and strength within the marriage.

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Remember our TCN celebrants will work with you to find a ritual that fits your dream ceremony 

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