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International Women's Day
Every year on the 8th March women all over the world are celebrated.
So there is still much more work to be done!
We, at TCN are all about the celebrations in life; and we are all for equality and human rights for everybody.
Celebrating Women
Here are some ways you can celebrate the women you know this month (and every month - why stop there?)
Note: These tips are not just for men - women should be celebrating other women as well.
1. Tell your mother how precious she is to you and let her know you are thankful for everything she has done in her life
2. Show your sister that she is a very important person in your life
3. Encourage your daughter to be anything that she wants to be and let her know that her gender should never be a barrier
4. Visit your Grand Mother and use the annual Mothers Day to engage a celebrant for a special ceremony for all the mothers in your family
These are all very simple and easy things to do, so if you want to stretch yourself further a field......
6. Volunteer at or donate to a women's refuge
7. Donate money or your time to women's charities
8. Be the voice in your company or organisation who stands up for those women not being paid or treated fairly
Why not add a ceremony to the celebration of the women in your life?
Contact a TCN celebrant to find out how
Read more about all the ways celebrants can assist you in celebrating life
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