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  • Citizenship Day ceremonies for Australian born citizens?

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Citizenship Day ceremonies for Australian born citizens?

Citizenship Day ceremonies for Australian born citizens?
Most of us think of Citizenship ceremonies as only for overseas born people who apply for Australian Citizenship or who are born here to overseas nationals, but who are not automatically granted Australian Citizenship status.

We hear a lot about these ceremonies around Australia Day. But few of us have heard about Australian Citizenship Day. Perhaps because it is really in its infancy.

In 2001, Australian Citizenship Day was launched to increase community awareness of Au​stralian citizenship. Australian Citizenship Day now provides a focal point for citizenship-related activities and celebrations. It was introduced as a result of a recommendation by the Australian Citizenship Council.

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Some of these activities are ceremonies where people who are already Australian citizens, born here or overseas, can come to affirm their loyalty and commitment to Australia and its people. As such they have been termed Citizenship Affirmation ceremonies.

17 September each year was chosen because it is the anniversary of the renaming of the Nationality and Citizenship Act 1948 to the Australian Citizenship Act 1948.


Australian citizenship affirmation ceremonies can be hosted by any Australian citizen as a ceremony.


What a wonderful opportunity for us as independent Australian civil celebrants?

We can start planning ways we can host Citizenship affirmation ceremonies in our communities to uphold the values and practicies our forebears developed - our Indigenous peoples and our newer arrivals - that make Australia a caring and respectful multicultural democratic society. The core of the ceremony is the 'vow' or the 'promise". . . 

The Australian citizenship affirmation states:
As an Australian citizen
I affirm my loyalty to Australia and its people,
Whose democratic beliefs I share,
Whose rights and liberties I respect,
And whose laws I uphold and obey.
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Any promise or commitment we make is important. However as celebrants we understand that when we make promises publicly we give those promises, and those who receive them more power, honour and respect.

Learn more about ceremonies in this TCN section and more about Australian Citizenship Day from the Department of Immigration and Border Protection.

Affirmation cards can be ordered or downloaded from the Australian Affirmation website.
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