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  • 11 Reasons why you should join The Celebrants Network

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11 Reasons why you should join The Celebrants Network


The Celebrants Network is a not-for-profit association for professional civil celebrants with a focus on promoting our celebrant members and also a range of ceremonies and celebrations to the public. 

Our members are marriage celebrants, religious celebrants, memorial and funeral celebrants, family and naming celebrants, student celebrants and celebrants for all occasions. 

In this post, Celebrant Susie Roberts takes us through 11 of the reasons why you should join us...


Our Fabulous membership package is affordable and flexible. We even offer a student membership for those studying. You can choose a standard membership if that is all you need, and if you want the full package, then you can add on CAL Copyright Licence and/or Group Insurance at competitive rates.  https://www.celebrants.org.au/memberships   


We are right up there on social media and our pages are all open so both our members and the public can enjoy and engage in the discussion.

FacebookInstagram and Linked in pages are used to promote our members as well as inform the celebrant community and the general public about the world of celebrancy. 

We also publish a weekly Blog (yes, the one you are reading right now) brimming with topical information.  


The Celebrants Network offers its members the advantages of marketing their services to prospective couples with personalised profiles. Members are also featured regularly in our social media feeds.  


We have a one stop stationery shop that offers discounts for members. We stock stylish, versatile and economical certificate card, envelopes, folders, ceremony registers and albums and offer free certificate templates for members. We also stock a selection of great books about celebrancy from well known Australian Celebrants.  


We have great online forums that are used by our members to discuss a variety of interesting and relevant topics that help everybody with their celebrancy practice.


The Celebrants Network supports our newly registered members with a special resources section on our website especially for brand new celebrants beginning to set up their celebrant practice


The Celebrants Network has a website that is full of resources - right at your fingertips... and even more when you become a member - www.celebrants.org.au


We care about professional development and during 2021 we have organised discounted OPD for our members and  a wide variety of zoom meetings to help members increase their skills and knowledge.


We actively engage with the Attorney-Generals Department and other Celebrant Associations through our commitment to CoCA - the Coalition of Celebrant Associations and we pass on any developments through our forums. 


Ooops……almost forgot our Newsletter!  Members receive a monthly newsletter that keeps them up to date and we send a quarterly newsletter to all registered marriage celebrants and others who sign up for the newsletter.


We are a National Organisation… and all of our meetings are held online, including our AGM… yet, we still maintain that friendly approachable feel with our accessibility.   Dedicated phone line and email enquiry line mean a committee member is easily contacted for assistance.

Perhaps you will come and join us



Comments 1

Grace De Battista on Sunday, 14 February 2021 14:23

Just joined as a full member. Looking forward to being part of a network of like minded celebrants.

Just joined as a full member. Looking forward to being part of a network of like minded celebrants.:D
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