Real stories make great reading
- Pictures tell a 1000 words - 5 may be added in the listing
- Learning from others' experiences is useful
- Stories passed down the generations can inspire hope in the future.

TELL US your stories to enrich the lives of others.
• Given you a new sense of purpose or place in the world ?
• Have you engaged a celebrant to lead a special ceremony for you, your loved one, your family or friends?
- Would you like to share your experience, love and joy with others?
- Describe what having this ceremony has meant to you ?
- What vows or promises did you make to one another or were made in the ceremony?What were things you treasure about the ceremony ?
- About the celebration afterwards ?
- What tips would you have for others ?
- How has this special occasion affected your partnership and/or your relationships with others ?
And submit photos, PROVIDED you have everyone's permission to use their image.
Same with text, you will need to ensure you have everyone's permission to use their words, if you are providing materials others have written.
For more information please : contact us - We would love to hear from you !