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The five stages of grief

Loss and grief affect all of us.  We can experience loss through the death of a family member; a relationship breakup; or the loss of a home – as we have seen so much of in the recent fires across Australia.  Join Celebrant and regular blogger, Melane Lawson as she takes us through the five stages of grief.
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Susanne Middlewood


Hi Melanie, Thanks for your comment. I would love to write a blog sometime in the future. best wishes,Sue
Monday, 03 February 2020 14:36
Melanie Lawson

Feedback always welcome

Thanks for your feedback Susanne; it is appreciated. The Celebrants Network social media team would love to hear from you if y... Read More
Saturday, 01 February 2020 17:34
Melanie Lawson

Models of the grief process

Hi Susanne, Yes you are right there are many theories and models to help us understand the grieving process. I’m sorry if this ar... Read More
Thursday, 30 January 2020 14:58
1787 Hits

Wedding statistics

Every year the Australian Burearu of Statistics puts out all the stats from the data collected from the year before... so we're always 12 months behind, but it gives us a good information about who is getting married in Australia adn how they're going about it.

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1721 Hits

Rules around performing ceremonies in the heat - what are the celebrant’s rights and responsibilities?

It's pretty hot out there at the moment and it's very important that we look after ourselves when working in the heat.  Celebrant, valued member of The Celebrants Network and regular blogger, Susie Roberts is taking us through all the tips and tricks for what to do when you have an outdoor ceremony in the heat.

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Melissa Sheehy

Feeling the heat

Helpful advice here. I especially like the idea of little handheld fans. For hot outdoor ceremonies I also suggest to the coupl... Read More
Thursday, 13 February 2020 14:18
Helen Isitt

Thank You

Very good advice. I'm off to ebay for some pretty fans right now.
Saturday, 01 February 2020 22:27
Susanna Jose

Hard conversations about weath...

Thanks for the very sensible tips Ros. Having been caught out a few times, standing in full sun in over 40 degree heat, I'm am goi... Read More
Saturday, 11 January 2020 10:21
1711 Hits