Julia Cattalini
conclusion of life ceremonies

Celebrant background: I am a funeral celebrant residing in Yokine WA I have been a funeral director now celebrant, grief counsellor and funeral celebrant trainer for over twelve years. I officiate at funerals and memorials throughout the state and in the past have taken ashes of a loved one to Brisbane for a memorial and interment. I also assist people with pre-arranging funerals for themselves or a loved one and with my director's background can guide them through the minefield of paperwork required.
Why I'm a celebrant: I believe it is an honour to be entrusted with the final goodbye to a loved one.
Treasured memories: many treasured memories.
Areas serviced: Perth regional area
Celebrant Town/ Suburb: Yokine
State: Western Australia
Your Website: https://juliacattalinicelebrant.com.au