Barrye Dickinson
It's your day so I'm here to help it go smoothly

Celebrant background: I am a celebrant because I love helping people fulfill their dreams.
Nothing is more rewarding. Traditional or modern, I am flexible, friendly and calming.
Registry style and Elopement weddings too. It can be very easy.
I also love helping our seniors celebrate a special day.
Nothing is more rewarding. Traditional or modern, I am flexible, friendly and calming.
Registry style and Elopement weddings too. It can be very easy.
I also love helping our seniors celebrate a special day.
Areas serviced: Melbourne City and Suburbs, Macedon Ranges and Yarra Valley and surrounding areas
Celebrant Town/ Suburb: Lysterfield
State: Victoria
Phone: 0425701292
Facebook: @melbourneweddings
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