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Death Doula

Death Doula
Today we are proud to present one of our TCN Members, Elaine Dinnigan as our guest blogger.  Elaine is a Celebrant and also a Death Doula and she's here to tell us all about it....

"While I thought that I was learning how to live, I have been learning how to die."
~Leonardo Da Vinci
Death is a natural and important part of life.
Death Doula

Death Companion

Death Midwife

End of Life Guide

These are all names to describe people who choose to provide information and or services to the dying and their family.  I choose to call myself an End of Life Doula.

The name “doula” originates in Greece and means "a woman who serves” and was given to those who served women through the lifecycles, hence the term 'birth doula' for those who support the beginning of life.

End of Life Doulas work alongside other professionals, family and friends, utilising non-medical skills. They accompany, guide and assist the dying person and their family providing information and support.  Doula services can be provided in the home, aged care, palliative care facilities and hospitals. It is a heart centred practice that empowers individuals and the family and allows the grieving process to follow a gentle path.

The Chapel of Bones - Portugal - Photo Credit: Dominique Fouet

 I personally provide end of life planning, support visits, family relief, vigils, home funerals and on call services.

As an End of Life Doula, I view myself as part of a renewed death positive movement moving away from the medicalisation of death allowing people choices about dying at home and refusing life extending treatments.

In Australia this happens through advanced care planning and includes advance health directives, Enduring Power of Guardianship and Enduring Power of Attorney in Western Australia.

If you would like to contact Elaine for further information you can find her here:
Boy, when you're dead, they really fix you up.
I hope to hell when I do die somebody has sense enough to just dump me in the river or something.

Anything except sticking me in a goddam cemetery.
People coming and putting a bunch of flowers on your stomach on Sunday, and all that crap.
Who wants flowers when you're dead?

~J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye,1945

For further information on ceremonies relating to death and grief, please click HERE



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